Tag: rust
Implementing the Raft Consensus Algorithm with David Beazley
I survived David Beazley’s weeklong course on the Raft consensus algorithm that powers technologies like Kubernetes, MongoDB, and Neo4j. Image from https://raft.github.io/ The Raft Consensus Algorithm is a way for a gaggle of computers to agree on a sequence of events, or a “log” of events. Raft is useful for things like databases – once…
A random assortment of Rust notes
I thought I’d jot down some notes about using Rust that wouldn’t have made it as their own blog posts: You can’t use anonymous functions for control flow In Ruby, you can return from almost anywhere in a function: Unfortunately, it also returns nonsense if the inputs break the invariant that an even number exists…
One of my favorite Rust features (doc comments!)
I realized that one of my favorite Rust features doesn’t have a blog post highlighting it [0], so I thought I’d talk a bit about documentation comments and doc tests in Rust. I’ll give you a quick example. Let’s say you have some code: There’s a cargo command to generate documentation from that code: Which…
Professional Rustacean, 3 months in
Hi! đź‘‹ I did end up landing that Rust job I was looking for, and I’ve been wrestling with the Rust programming language now for a good couple of months – not quite 3, if I’m to be honest, but who’s counting. To be honest, I’m a little bit ambivalent. I think it’s a great…
Contributing to the Vector Remap Language
I’ve been looking for a job doing Rust development and one of the places I applied to was Vector, a DataDog acquisition in the observability space. Observability is one of those terms I had yet to encounter seriously before starting this search, so for the uninitiated: …observability is the ability to measure a system’s current…
Oxidization: Nested hashes
This might be an idiosyncrasy of mine, but I tend to use hashes a lot in Ruby. For instance, recently I was working on a code challenge involving ordering food. There were different categories of courses (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and different categories of foods (main dish, side dish, etc.), and you need both in…
Rust advocacy at a medium-sized startup
At Hologram, I loved getting to sign into work Slack and share knowledge with fellow software engineers of all experience levels. There were about 40 engineers in a company closing in on 200 employees. Meanwhile, the biggest change in my career as a software engineer recently has been learning Rust, which I’ve been calling a…
Writing a Rust gem from scratch
This is a followup to the last post. Instead of using the template rust_ruby_example gem, we’ll make one from scratch. Make sure to go back over the “Using a rubygems fork” section because we’ll be using it heavily during this post, as well!
Sneak preview: Writing Ruby gem native extensions in Rust
In December 2021, Ian Ker-Seymer (@ianks) submitted a pull request to add a CargoBuilder class for handling Rust code in gems, enabling native extensions in Rust! I was so excited, I had to try it out, even though it hadn’t been merged yet. A lot of maintainers are showing interest and pitching in, so I…
Crate of the Week second chance list
TLDR – the three most upvoted crates that were never recognized as Crate of the Week in This Week in Rust are glutin, rust-cuda, and redshirt. The Crate of the Week is a Rust (programming language, not game) segment in the This Week in Rust newsletter that highlights a single Rust library in a given…